Zen words is The best word Jishoshojoshin


The mind is pure as its own nature. Let’s not cloud it

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be.

Today is “The mind is pure as its own nature. Let’s not cloud it"

People do stupid things when their own nature is clouded

People are said to have Buddha nature from the moment they are born, and their own Buddha nature becomes their own nature. The essence of buddha nature, or own nature is pure. Own-nature can be replaced with mind. Everyone knows that when a person is born, their heart is pure white. It would be nice if he could live without clouding his nature, but that is quite difficult.

There are many people in the world who have clouded their own nature . They criticize and attack others without reason. SNS is a powerful weapon for them. They use anonymity to attack their opponents. They complain that the food was poorly served and that they weren’t allowed to bring their dog into the restaurant.

If the service is bad, don’t go next time. f you want to bring your dog, go to a store that allows dogs.Dog lovers don’t understand that some people don’t like dogs. Their anger seems irrelevant to ordinary people. But they show their anger.

There was a shocking incident in which he pressed the emergency stop button on a train because he called for a conductor but he didn’t come. I would like to say that the conductor is not your butler.

Licking the chopsticks used by everyone at the conveyor belt sushi, spraying the rotating sushi with disinfectant spray, eating grated garlic at the ramen shop, etc. I can’t understand this either.

They are happy to go out of their way to post videos of the crime. They can’t help it because it’s funny. In the end, he was criticized by many and arrested by the police. It’s like jumping into a lake with piranhas. How can I say this without calling it stupid? what is their own nature?

Your own buddha nature is pure. Let’s not cloud it

Own nature is pure white when it is born. Babies are pure white. There are no babies with twisted personalities or bad guys. Babies is just innocent. That’s why people smile when they see babies.There was a time when even those who complained were just babies.

As we grow older, we lose our own true nature. Since the original own nature is pure white, it is easily clouded by desires and experiences. When your nature is clouded, you do stupid things. That’s why you have to be careful that it’s not clouded by something with a bad nature.

When I am angry, we have to suspect whether I am right. If I want to lick the soy sauce jars that everyone uses, I suspect that my desire comes from a distorted feeling. When you feel overwhelmed by emotion, take a breath and ask yourself. Ask yourself if your nature is clouded.

If you ask, you will notice the dirtiness of your own nature. You can wash it off if you know it. Believe it can be washed off. Never forget that nature is pure white.

Jishōshōjōshin, You always be careful that your own nature is not cloudy.