Zen words is The best word  日日是好日


Every day is a good day. Depending on how you feel, you can make every day a good day.

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be."

Today is “Every day is a good day.

Every day is a good day. Depending on your feelings, you can make the day a wonderful day.

“Every day is a good day" is a saying left by Unmon Wenyan of the Unmon sect, a monk from the Tang Dynasty in China. Unmon is the founder of the Unmon sect. One day, Unmon asked the monks.

But no one answers.

Unmon himself said.

“Every day is a good day"

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. I don’t know about the future. Despite this, Unmon says that every day from now on will be a good day. How is it possible that every day is a good day?

For example, the weather. Even if the weather forecast is developed and we know tomorrow’s weather, we cannot change the weather. There are sunny days, rainy days and windy days. Most people prefer sunny days to rainy days. But if you change your way of thinking, it’s different.

Enjoy the sunlight on sunny days, and enjoy watching the rain on rainy days. On windy days, try to enjoy the sound of the wind. We can enjoy rain and wind depending on how we hold our hearts. So is life. Enjoy the fair wind when it’s fair, and enjoy the adversity when it’s bad.

No matter what kind of day tomorrow is, have the feeling of accepting it as it is, believe that it will be a good day, and live today to the fullest. That way, you won’t be neglecting today by regretting yesterday or worrying about tomorrow.

Zen teaches us to enjoy what is fun, to enjoy what is not when there is no fun, and to truly believe that any day of adversity is a good day. Accept your joys, sorrows, and pains as they are, and spend your time with a peaceful heart. Then every day is a good day.

These days, many people are worried about the number of people infected with Corona yesterday and worry about how many people will be infected tomorrow. No matter how much we worry about the number of people infected with Corona, what we can do is limited. The important thing is to put all your effort into what you can do today.

Let’s not neglect what we should do today by worrying about Corona.

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (English Edition)
A good place for flowers

禅は難しい。禅語も難しい。だから勝手に解釈して使っている。それで良いと思っている。案外、慧能禅師も道元禅師も、一休さんも良寛さんも「それで良い、それで良いんじゃよ、Let it be じゃ」と言ってくれそうだ。今日は、「日日是好日」である。













大丈夫! 雲の向こうは、いつも青空。 365日を「日々是好日」にする禅のこころ

Posted by 街の樹