Japan Discovery Zen words is the best word Isshi Futai


If you have the ambition and just ask for it, the road will open.

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be."

Today’s Zen word is “Isshi Futai" It means “If you have the ambition and just ask for it, the road will open"

If you have the ambition and just ask for it, the road will open.

The teaching of Dogen Zenji, the founder of the Soto sect, is “Shikantaza" He tells me to do zazen all the time.Dogen Zenji said,"If you remain steadfast in your determination, after three years you will begin to understand something"

If you make a vow of enlightenment, and do not give up and practice earnestly aiming to achieve it, after three years you will naturally understand how to practice Buddhism. Instead of getting lost in how to practice, first continue zazen.

There is a young Japanese man named Saku Yanagawa. He moved to the United States alone and became a stand-up comedian. It must have been difficult for him to have comedy in English.

There is a person named Mr. Miyade in Tokunoshima. He has been growing coffee in Tokunoshima for 13 years. He still hasn’t made a cup of coffee that satisfies him.he continues to cultivate.

“Yasumura-san is always cheerful , " who became famous in the UK, is also a person who never gives up. In English, it is abbreviated to “Tonikaku" He is taking his pants act to the next level. It’s a stupid act no matter how you look at it, but when he perfects it, it becomes a real act.

They are choosing the goal and never give up. Many of them are in the world of art, cooking and sports. There is a saying, “What one likes, one will do well" They work hard on what they love. They practice in what Warren Buffett calls the “Circle of my ability"

Act first, continue for three years

I don’t have the talent to be an artist, a chef, or an athlete. I’m just an average person with no talent. Like them, if you can’t do something, you give up before you even start. You worry about why you can’t do it. You just think about it and don’t start. In the end, you end up doing nothing and regret it later, and it’s a cycle that repeats over and over.

If you’re going to regret it later, before you worry about not being able to do it, just start without thinking about why you can’t do it. Once you start, just keep going for three years. If three years is too long, one year is fine. Just keep working hard without thinking about anything. Then you’ll see something.

Whether it’s big or small, everyone has something they want to do. First try it. Make a vow to achieve it and keep going without thinking about unnecessary things. That’s what it means to be a person with a “Isshi Futai". Then you’ll see something.

“Isshi Futai" remember these words when you feel like giving up.

Posted by 街の樹