Zen words is The best word 疾風知勁草


Hard wind tell us hardy weeds

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be.

“Today is “Hard wind tell us hardy weeds"

Wang Ba who helped Emperor Guangwu alone

“Hard wind tell us hardy weeds" is in the Wang Ba of the Gohan book. It’s not a Zen word, but it’s a tasty word.

The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang and prospered for a long time, but was destroyed in 8 AD due to the rebellion of the wicked retainer Wang Mang. Wang Mang’s politics disregarded reality, so society was in great turmoil and the people suffered. Emperor Hongwu, unable to see this, raised an army to overthrow Wang Mang, but the situation was not favorable and his retainers left one by one.

n the end, only Wang Ba was left. Emperor Hongwu said to Wang Ba, “而子独留努力、疾風知勁草  Only you stand alone and make an effort. I understand the 'quick wind and jing grass’." Everyone has left me, but you are the only one left and working. He said earnestly that the value of a person can only be understood in difficult times. After that, Hongwu emperor overthrew Wang Mang with Wang Ba and founded the Later Han dynasty.

" hard wind tells us about tough weeds" means that among the weeds that normally look the same when a strong wind blows in a grassland, there are strong weeds that do not break and weak weeds that break. People are the same. It’s in adversity that you see your true worth. A person’s true worth is revealed in adversity.

In the Song book, it says “疾風知勁草 厳霜貞木"" 厳霜貞木" means that when severe frost falls, We find strong trees that do not wither. It has the same meaning as ” Hard wind tell us hardy weeds”.

We have to find out if the people around us are hardy weeds.We also have to have a strong heart to withstand the hard wind.

A gale that blows in Ukraine. There are hardy weeds.

A gale is blowing in the world now. Russia has invaded Ukraine and China continues to expand its hegemony. The devastation of Ukraine only covers the eyes.

The grasslands of Ukraine are raging with gale. The Ukrainians were all 勁草. President Putin misunderstood the strength of the Ukrainians.

People who support President Zelensky are like Wang Ba. It seems that Putin does not have a person like Wang Ba. The difference is large. Ukraine is in adversity, but one day it will regain peace. Without Wang Ba, Russia will be on a difficult road.

The importance of human resources has not changed since ancient times. People all over the world are being tested to see if they are tough weeds

Posted by 街の樹