Zen words is The best word  妙手多子無し


There is no easy way to live a better life

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be."

Today is “妙手多子無し.There is no easy way to live a better life.

There is no easy way to live a better life

There is Myosyu Tashinashi. It is a word in the Hekiganroku. There is nothing easy to understand in Zen language. This word is also difficult.

”Myoushu tashinashi" is a word written in Hekiganroku. There is nothing easy to understand in Zen language. This word is also very difficult. A good move in Shogi or Go is called Myoushu. Tashi is a detailed mess. “Tashinashi" is a state without “Tashi", so it is refers to a state of being refreshed.

Combining “Myoushu" with “Tashinashi “makes a good move neat. “Tashinashi “also has a succinct meaning, so a excellent move becomes a succinct move. But I don’t quite understand.

Rinzai Zenji and Obaku Zenji

When Rinzai was young, he was encouraged by his senior monk to study with Obaku. His opponent is the famous Obaku Zen Master, and he decides to go, but he doesn’t know what to ask. When I asked his senior monk, he said, “Ask what is the most important aspect of Buddhism."

Rinzai visits Obaku and asks. “In Buddhism…"

Before he could finish asking questions, Obaku suddenly picked up a stick and hit Rinzai, then kicked him out.

Rinzai said “…" He don’t know what happened

He is encouraged to visit Obaku again.

“Buddha···" He said

Obaku again picks up the stick and beats Rinzai. Rinzai is stunned.

Still, he picks himself up and visits three times.

He opened his mouth and he was struck at this moment. He don’t know

Rinzai was really depressed. That’s right, Obaku hit him before he even opened his mouth, He don’t know why. Now is power harassment. However, Zen has no guideline and no compliance department. There was nothing he could do about it, so he told his master Daigu Zenji about it.

Dagu said, “What a kindness Obaku Zenji has been to exhaustion for you."

Rinzai realized that “Oubaku Buddhism is pure (Tashi nashi)".

Obaku’s Buddhism was pure and simple. The most important thing in Buddhism is not to ask people. It’s not something that people can understand by listening. There was a teaching.

“Tashi nashi" is simple without impurities

“Tashi nashi" seems to be a simple thing without contaminants. I feel like I understand a little bit. Something catches my heart. That’s right, it’s Sake. Good sake has no impurities, so it doesn’t give you a hangover. Goodness is like water. It is written in Soushi, “The friendship of a gentleman is like water, and the companionship of a dwarf is sweet like amazake." A gentleman’s fellowship is as pure as water, light and lasting.

Zen is not good to think only about the interpretation of words. You have to intuitively understand the meaning of words.

Life has no brillrant move

Brilliant move is straightforward. You can call it simple. There is no special way for a brilliant move. When people do something, they think of easy ways and cut corners.

I try to find an easier way or a loophole in life. However, there is no easy way. In the end, it’s faster to go straight and steadily than to find the easy way and lose time.

The painter repeats the drawing. The musician repeats the performance. Athletes practice repeatedly. Only through rigorous practice can one become a first-class artist or athlete. There is no other way. There is no trick to skip practice. In Zen, the only way to approach enlightenment is “Shikantaza".

The present age is an age of efficiency. Society attaches great importance to productivity and efficiency. Everyone is always looking for a brilliant move. People are eager to take it easy and make money. It’s YouTube, it’s stocks, it’s FX. Society as a whole is frantically searching for a brilliant move. Few people make money. Those people are trying.

Economy seeks brilliant move, but life is different. There are no magic brilliant move in life. If you have a goal, all you can do is keep walking towards it. If you think you’ve reached a dead end, just remember " Myosyu Tashi nasi(妙手多子無し)"

Posted by 街の樹