Zen words is the best word  掬水月在手 弄花香満衣


If you scoop the water of a small river with both hands, you can see the moon in it. If you hold a chrysanthemum flower in your hand, the scent will fill your clothes.

Zen is difficult. Zen word is also difficult. That’s why I interpret it as I please. I think that’s fine. Enou Zenji, Dogen Zenji, Ikkyu-san, and Ryokan-san are likely to say, “That’s fine, that’s fine. Let it be."

Today is “If you hold a chrysanthemum flower in your hand, the scent will fill your clothes・・・"


If you scoop the water of a small river with both hands, you can reflect the moon in it. If you hold a chrysanthemum flower in your hand, the scent will fill your clothes.

The moon is reflected in the water of a small river. If you scoop the river water with both hands, the moon will be reflected in the water in your hands. If you pick up a single chrysanthemum flower in bloom, your clothes will be filled with the scent of flowers. What a refreshing autumn night!  China is a passage from “Shunshan Night Moon" written by Yu Liangshi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. 

We cannot pick up the actual moon or the scent of chrysanthemums. The moon reflecting in the water in my hands and the scent of flowers filling my clothes are mine. Whether it’s the moon in the distance or a scent you can’t pick up, you can make it a part of yourself if you feel like it. You can make it your own without having to monopolize it.

Zen makes no distinction between self and others. When we look at something, we are conscious of the object being seen and ourselves who are looking at it.According to Zen, we cannot say that we have seen things in the state of confrontation. Instead of just looking at it, you should become one with it. 

The water scooped from the river becomes a part of you, and the reflected moon is also a part of you. There is no need to make a distinction. The scent of chrysanthemum drifts around me and becomes one. The moon and flowers are in my heart. You should feel that way. The real moon is in the sky and the flowers are still blooming. Anyone can have the moon and flowers.

Discrimination and violence are increasing all over the world. Many people try to take away from others what they want. It is the same as trying to make the scent of the actual moon or chrysanthemum your own. But you can’t make everything your own. It’s sad to try to do that.

Even if you don’t do that, if you change the way you hold your feelings, you can share anything. If people change their consciousness, the world will become peaceful. Look at the clear sky and think.

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (English Edition)

禅は難しい。禅語も難しい。だから勝手に解釈して使っている。それで良いと思っている。案外、慧能禅師も道元禅師も、一休さんも良寛さんも「それで良い、それで良いんじゃよ、Let it be じゃ」と言ってくれそうだ。今日は、「掬水月在手 弄花香満衣」である。

水を菊すれば月手にあり  花を弄すれば香衣に満つ  




大丈夫! 雲の向こうは、いつも青空。 365日を「日々是好日」にする禅のこころ

Posted by 街の樹