Zen words is The best word  遊戯三昧


YugeZanmai is that an enlightened person can enjoy both good and bad times of life.

YugeSanmai is the words of Mumon Ekai

It is written as Yugi and read as Yuge. Yugi refers to how Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and enlightened people enjoy life rather than playing. Samadhi is immersion in something. Yugi Zanmai means that an enlightened person enjoys good times and bad times.

The sky is moderately sunny, the air is warm, and lotus flowers are blooming in the pond. Time is passing slowly. A bodhisattva is walking slowly by the pond. Buddha is meditating under the Bodhi tree. It is a landscape of YugeSanmai.(遊戯三昧)

A Bodhisattva is walking slowly by a lotus-blooming pond, and a Buddha is contemplating under a Bodhi tree. The sky is moderately sunny and the air is warm. I can only hear birds chirping, insects chirping, and the sounds of nature. Time is passing slowly. I would be happy if I could spend time like that.

This word is found in “The Mumonkan"of Mumon Ekai, a Zen priest who lived in the 12th to 13th centuries. Mumon Ekai practiced so hard that he could hit his head against a pillar to awaken his drowsiness, or throw himself into the fire if he was not enlightened.

Get the freedom at the shore of life and death, and go into the Rokudo Shisei to YugeZanmai

The Mumonkan

His life was full of training. He must have devoted himself to training. Nevertheless, the fact that he left behind these words shows how difficult it is to be in “YugeSanmai(遊戯三昧)". Even a Zen monk finds it difficult to approach the state of selflessness.

Let’s concentrate now

We think it’s easy to immerse ourselves in the things we love. There are many words with Zanmai attached. There are reading Zanmai, hobby Zanmai, and fishing Zanmai. There is a sushi restaurant called Sushi Zanmai. Some people say that they are absorbed in their work. There are times when I forget the time and get absorbed in it.

But in reality, Zanmai is surprisingly difficult. While I was fishing, I suddenly remembered tomorrow’s payment. You can’t concentrate on your work during the day because you had a fight with his wife in the morning. Have you ever had such an experience? The fight started because you didn’t listen to her wife. You were thinking about something else and didn’t notice her wife talking to you. She says, “Oh, you’re not listening to me again…" After that, it’s a routine course.

People are distracted by many things. People are made to be distracted. Andish Hansen, author of The Smartphone Brain, says we’re descendants of humans who survived hearing a rustling noise in the grass, thinking it was a lion and fleeing.

People are just made to be distracted. But there are many things you can’t do about worrying. Payment cannot be made while fishing. I can’t make up with my wife while I’m at work. Instead of worrying about what you can’t do, focus on what you’re doing. The important thing is to enjoy what you are doing.

People worry about the future more when things are going well now. Made to worry. Know that and enjoy what you are doing now. When you focus on the present, you worry less about the future and regret about the past. If you have the feeling of enjoying both good times and bad times, you can get closer to “Yugi Zanmai".

When you can’t concentrate on what you’re doing right now, remember “Yugi Zanmai"










だが、実際は三昧は意外と難しい。釣りの最中にふと明日の支払いを思い出すことがないだろうか。朝に妻と喧嘩しことが気になって、昼の仕事に集中できないことはないだろうか。喧嘩は些細なことから始まる。あなたが妻の話を聞かなかったからだ。妻が話しかけているのに、他のことに気を取られて聞いていなかった。「また私の話を聞いていない・・・」 後はお決まりのコースだ。





Posted by 街の樹